
Miigaa Breeding Facilities Manager.  Miigaa is a former enforcement park ranger for Hustai National Park, Miigaa joined the project in 2015 when the breeding facilities were renewed and moved to an area near Hustai park.   From 90 degrees to -55 degrees, rain, snow, wind or sunshine Miigaa is always there to feed and care for our clan of dogs.  “Ever-present, always honorable”, best sums up his dedication to the project.   Spending more time than anyone with the dog clan, Miigaa can tell you which dog is mad or happy with another dog or person and why.   Our guardian dog and canine spiritual leader, Black Khuuter, can be touched by only three people, but Khuuter has chosen to protect and love one person above all others.  We at the MBDP trust Khuuter’s choices; he chose Miigaa, enough said.

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