
Name: Arlson

Sex: Male

Height (inches): 26”

Weight (kilos/lbs): 38/83.6

Meaning of Name: Mongol word for Lion

Approximate age: 5+ yrs

Origin: South Govi

Breeding Site: Gachuurt

Housed/Bred with: Bred with Red Scarf

Personality: Cat-like except for his mean bark and growl. Friendly with us, doesn’t like strangers. Does not cause trouble. Medium energy.


Name: Baavgai

Sex: Male

Height (inches): 30”

Weight (kilos/lbs): 48/105.6

Meaning of Name: Mongol word for Bear

Approximate age: 5-6 yrs

Breeding Site: Has not bred

Housed/Bred with: Lives with Spork

Personality: Stoic, friendly, menacing at times, intelligent and powerful. He will pull you across the steppe or sneak out of his kennel before your eyes.


Name: Bradley

Sex: Male

Height (inches): 26”

Weight (kilos/lbs): 32/70.4

Approximate age: 1+ yrs

Breeding Site: Has not bred

Personality: Playful, energetic, likes to cause trouble with Chad. Likes to wrestle


Name: Chad

Sex: Male

Height (inches): 26”

Weight (kilos/lbs): 34/74.8

Approximate age: 1+ yrs

Breeding Site: Has not bred

Personality: Brad and Chad like to dig, escape, bark, tag-team wrestle

Red Scarf

Name: Red Scarf

Sex: Female

Height (inches): 25”

Weight (kilos/lbs): 32/70.4

Meaning of Name: Wears a red scarf collar

Approximate age: 5+ yrs

Breeding Site: Gachuurt

Housed/Bred with: Mated w Arlson

Personality: Has mothered pups before. Calm, loving and experienced. One of our best mothers. Medium Energy